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    Socio-demographic factors in influencing the role of bully and victim among the Malay female juvenile detainees in rehabilitation centre before detention
    Objective: This study examines the socio-demographic factors in influencing the role of bully and victim among the Malay female juvenile detainees before detention in a rehabilitation centre. Methodology: This is a quantitative study which uses descriptive and correlation analysis. The study was done in one of the single-sex rehabilitation centres up north of Malaysian state. There were n=30 Malay female juvenile detainees involved in this study (n=4 Malay female juvenile detainees aged 19; n=4 respondents aged 18; n=8 respondents aged 17; n=6 respondents aged 16; n=3 respondents aged 15; n=2 respondents aged 14 and, n=3 respondents aged 13 years old). Instrument: Self builds demographic questionnaire and Olweus Bullying Behaviour Questionnaire (BBQ). The Cronbach's alpha for BBQ was 0.867 with the role of bully scores on .0798 and role of victims scores on .815. Result: The finding in this study shows the strongest correlation between the role of bully by the Malay female juvenile detainees were parent’s or guardian’s source of income (r=.759,p<0.01); the education and academic achievements of the Malay female juvenile detainees (r=.756,p<0.01); followed by residencies (r=.702,p<0.01) and, parent’s or guardian’s level of education (r=.609,p<0.01). As for the role of victim; the strongest correlation was found between education and academic achievements of the Malay female juvenile detainees (r=.848,p<0.01); parent’s or guardian’s source of income (r=.778,p<0.01); residencies (r=.728,p<0.01) and, parent’s or guardian’s level of education (r=.656,p<0.01). Conclusion: Socio-demographic factor is an important influence factor for a young adolescent to take up the role of bully and victim in any bullying behaviour scenarios. These socio-demographic influence factors must be taken into consideration in studying bullying behaviour cases especially in designing any prevention programme or correctional programme.
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    Mathematical problem-solving skills and career choices in mathematics across gender
    This study highlights the importance of helping students discover and better comprehend their level of mathematics problems solving skill and its relationship to their mathematics career choice. Purposive sampling was used as a method for data collection. A questionnaire consisting of two different sections seeking students’ background, their mathematical problem-solving skills, and career choice were given to the students. All the marks and data gathered were tabulated, summarized, and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18. ANOVA analysis was used to analyze the data gathered. The data analysis reveals that there is a relationship between mathematical problem-solving skills and career choices in mathematics among upper secondary school students. Secondly, there is no relationship between mathematics problem-solving skills and the student’s career choice in mathematics across gender. It is recommended that future research employs bigger sampling for generalization purposes.
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    Persepsi terhadap penawaran mata pelajaran umum Hubungan Etnik dalam meningkatkan kefahaman patriotisme di Universiti Malaysia Perlis
    Semangat patriotisme merupakan satu keperluan dalam memastikan rakyat sentiasa menyokong dan mempertahankan kedaulatan dan keselamatan negara dari gangguan dan kekacauan yang datang dari dalam mahupun luar. Pembangunan patriotisme sangat penting dalam melahirkan satu golongan masyarakat yang sanggup berkorban untuk negara dan rakyatnya. Walaupun konsep patriotisme ini merupakan satu konsep kecintaan negara yang diwariskan dari satu zaman ke zaman yang lain, ia memerlukan satu medium ampuh dalam memastikan perasaan cinta pada negara ini sentiasa mekar dan kuat dalam diri masyarakat pada hari ini. Nyatanya, pendidikan merupakan salah satu cara yang diberi penekanan dalam memantapkan kefahaman dan semangat patriotis di Malaysia. Sehubungan dengan itu, satu kajian dijalankan ke atas pelajar Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam khususnya di Universiti Malaysia Perlis untuk melihat tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap penawaran Mata Pelajaran Umum (MPU) hubungan etnik sebagai medium meningkatkan kefahaman patriotisme. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk melihat perbezaan persepsi pelajar terhadap penawaran MPU hubungan etnik mengikut pecahan i) etnik, ii) jantina dan iii) kumpulan yang telah mengambil MPU hubungan etnik dan kumpulan yang belum mengambil MPU hubungan Etnik. Kaedah kajian tinjauan digunakan dan dianalisa menggunakan analisa kebolehpercayaan Cronbach’s Alpha, ujian normaliti dan ujian t sampel bebas.
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    Perception of teacher on cooperative learning
    The participation of students in the process of learning is one of the keys to ensure effective learning outcomes either in terms of knowledge or skill. However, teacher-centred teaching methods which have been practiced in this country after so long avert students to fully engage in the learning process especially in a classroom. Various attempts have been made by the government to emphasize student’s development in term of communication, creativity and innovation through the of process learning in class. It requires school to implement student-centred teaching methods such as cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a teaching method that requires teachers not only interacts with the students but also with other teaching aids such as audio, video and computer. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify teachers' perception on the implementation of cooperative learning in the teaching and learning process in class. 25 teachers were selected as respondents. Mixed methods were used in this study, where the instrument of questionnaires and interviews were used to collect the data. Quantitative data analysis was made using descriptive statistics of frequency, mean and percentage. While, qualitative data analysis was based on the recommendations of the Miles & Huberman (1994). The findings showed teachers have a positive attitude toward cooperative learning and they are ready and feel confident to practice it. However, the constraints are classroom control, time and limited teaching aids
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    Persepsi pelajar terhadap konsep Rukun Negara melalui pengajaran subjek Hubungan Etnik: kajian kes di Universiti Malaysia Perlis
    Objektif umum kajian adalah untuk melihat dan menganalisa persepsi pelajar teknikal di Universiti Malaysia Perlis UniMAP mengenai kefahaman konsep Rukun Negara yang diajar dalam subjek Hubungan Etnik. Terdapat dua tujuan khusus kajian iaitu pertama, melihat dan menganalisa tahap kesedaran dan kefahaman pelajar terhadap kepentingan Rukun Negara. Kedua, bagaimana subjek Hubungan Etnik memberi impak dalam usaha menyuburkan lagi kesedaran dan pemahaman konsep Rukun Negara dalam kalangan pelajar. Seramai 200 orang pelajar teknikal terlibat dalam kajian ini. Sampel responden adalah terdiri daripada sebahagian pelajar yang mendaftar dalam kursus EUW/UUW235 Hubungan Etnik dengan berlatarbelakangkan kepelbagaian program peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kaedah tinjauan melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Data diperolehi dan dikumpul dengan menggunakan kaedah edaran borang kaji selidik dengan mengimplimentasikan skala likert sangat tidak setuju, tidak setuju, tidak pasti, sangat setuju dan setuju. Item-item soal selidik adalah dibina oleh kumpulan penyelidik. Hasil kajian mendapati 179 atau 89.5% orang pelajar bersetuju dengan min skala 4.34 (di antara skala sangat bersetuju dan bersetuju) bahawa masyarakat boleh hidup bersatu padu sekiranya mereka memahami dan menghayati Rukun Negara dan terdapat seramai 94 atau 47% orang pelajar dengan dapatan min 4.03 (di antara skala setuju dengan sangat bersetuju) bahawa kefahaman dalam Rukun Negara yang merupakan falsafah negara adalah piagam lengkap bagi rakyat Malaysia. Kesimpulannya, subjek Hubungan Etnik merupakan subjek penting dalam memberi kesedaran dan kefahaman konsep Rukun Negara dalam pembentukan masyarakat majmuk yang harmoni dan bertolenrasi di antara satu sama lain. Walau bagaimanapun, dengan peratusan 47% menunjukkan terdapat jurang kurang kefahaman yang kukuh akan kepentingan konsep Rukun Negara dan perkaitan dengan manfaat diri pelajar akan tahap kesedaran dan kefahaman pelajar yang sepatutnya merupakan aset penting dalam mengukuhkan persepsi pelajar akan kefahaman kepelbagaian budaya dan perkaitannya dengan sejarah yang membentuk Rukun Negara untuk dijadikan ideologi satu bangsa.
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    Anxiety in using learning aid software in learning English language among primary school children during the pandemic Covid 19: A case study in rural primary schools
    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships in using the learning aid software in learning English language among rural primary school children during the Pandemic Covid 19. This study has shown that the most contribution socio demographic factors in influencing the occurrence of anxiety among the rural primary school children in using the learning aid software in learning English language were the parents' or guardians' education and income followed by internet accessibility, number of siblings, place in siblings and gender. The basic computer skills that the rural primary school children had significant contribution in anxiety namely somatic, cognitive and avoidance behaviour. Assessing the ability of mastering the ICT basic skills contributed to anxiety whereby cognitive scores the highest followed by somatic and avoidance behaviour.