Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Social entrepreneurship: A roadmap to reach out poverty
    ( 2017-02)
    Asma Akter
    ; ;
    S M Sohel Rana
    Social entrepreneurship is the catalytic behaviour of social benefit organizations that engender value and change in the sector, community, and industry through the combination of innovation, risk-taking and reactiveness. It has attracted growing interest from policymakers, young people, entrepreneurs, funders, and established businesses. Significant advances have been seen in the practice of social entrepreneurship without a commensurate surge in the literature on the theory underlying the practice. The increased attention on the practice has revealed a significant lack of cohesion in the area of social entrepreneurship which has resulted in a stifling of the academic research devoted to the social sector. As the demand and interest in social entrepreneurship increases, it requires a comprehensive understanding of what social entrepreneurship really is. Therefore, this paper tries to provide an in depth discussion on the meaning, purpose, scope and the socio economic effects of social entrepreneurship.
  • Publication
    Kajian keusahawanan sosial dalam melestarikan alam sekitar
    ( 2020)
    Nur Suriaty Daud Fhiri
    Manusia dimuka bumi ini memerlukan alam sekitar yang seimbang supaya kesejahteraan dan kualiti hidup manusia dapat dicapai. Namun, dunia hari ini menyebabkan manusia terlalu bergantung kepada dunia sains dan teknologi. Realiti ini menyebabkan manusia leka dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab memelihara alam sekitar. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat tentang kepentingan alam sekitar, untuk menggalakkan usahawanan sosial dalam menggunakan idea inovatif bagi melestarikan alam sekitar dan sebagai cadangan untuk menangani masalah pencemaran alam sekitar melalui pendekatan inovatif keusahawanan sosial. Keusahawanan sosial bukanlah sesuatu yang baharu, namun di Malaysia ia belum digunakan secara meluas. Hanya segelintir usahawan yang terlibat dalam bidang keusahawanan sosial ini kerana kurangnya pengetahuan dan pendedahan yang jelas tentang konsep keusahawanan sosial. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan isu semasa pencemaran alam sekitar di Malaysia, pendekatan inovatif keusahawanan sosial dan usahawan sosial berjaya.
  • Publication
    Relationships between social media addiction and self-esteem among university students in Malaysia
    ( 2023)
    Chin Wei Yi
    Self-esteem can greatly influence one's emotional well-being, behavior, and interactions with others. It can range from high self-esteem, where individuals have a positive and healthy view of themselves, to low selfesteem, where individuals may have feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a negative self-perception. Social media usage can have a negative impact on one's self-esteem, however, it can also potentially have a positive effect. This research is conducted to identify the level of social media addiction among university students and the relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem among university students. There are 384 respondents who were selected using simple random sampling techniques among university students in Malaysia. The findings show that the level of social media addiction among university students in Malaysia is high and it shows that there is a significant relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem among university students.