Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Phase reduction and thermodynamic analysis of Ilmenite Ore by carbothermal-iodination using different carbon reductants
    ( 2023-12)
    N. A. Nasrun
    ; ; ;
    N. Takahiro
    S. A. Rezan
    The present study is on the combination of carbothermal reduction and iodination reaction (carboiodination) process for the phase reduction of ilmenite ore (FeTiO3). The aim is to understand the phase reduction and thermodynamic reaction analysis of ilmenite ore by a combined method of carbothermal-iodination using different carbon reductants (graphite and palm char). Graphite was used as a standard carbon reductant while palm char as a renewable carbon reductant was prepared via the pyrolysis technique. Ilmenite was mixed with carbon reductants and then first reduced by using a carbothermal reduction process at 1550℃. Then, the reduced samples were further investigated with iodination reaction in different temperature ranges of 900-1000 °C using a vertical tube furnace with mixed argon and iodine gas (0.2 L/min). The proximate and ultimate analyses of carbon reductants were analysed by CHON analyser and their microstructure by using SEM, while XRF and XRD were used for analyzing the chemical compositions and the phase reductions of raw ilmenite ore and reduced samples, respectively. The thermodynamics of possible reactions during carbothermal-iodination reactions were calculated by HSC Chemistry 6.0 software. By comparing graphite and palm char, palm char had an amorphous structure, with porous and high carbon content showing high potential for usage as a reductant in titanium extraction from ilmenite ore. The phases of ilmenite ore were ilmenite, rutile, and anatase transformed into rutile, pseudobrookite, and titanium oxide detected by XRD. Further reduction was performed by palm char where more rutile (TiO2) and titanium oxide (Ti3O5) developed from the iodination reaction at the highest temperature compared to graphite due to better properties and amorphous structure. The rutile and titanium oxide were found as stable phases from the thermodynamic analysis and confirmed with XRD. From the findings, the combination of carbothermal-iodination of ilmenite ore was possible and promising for rutile (TiO2) production in mineral extractions.
  • Publication
    Investigation on phase evaluation of ilmenite ore by carbothermal reduction and carboiodination reaction
    ( 2023-12)
    A. A. Adel
    ; ;
    L. I. G. Togang
    This article presented the thermochemical calculation and experimental investigation on the phase evaluation of ilmenite ore (FeTiO3) via carbothermal reduction and carboiodination reaction for titanium production using graphite as a reducing agent. The carbothermal reduction and carboiodination reactions were performed in two different furnaces. The carbothermal reduction was evaluated at a temperature of 1550°C with inert argon gas utilizing a horizontal tube furnace. The carboiodination reactions were evaluated in temperatures ranging from 900°C, 950°C, and 1000°C using a vertical tube furnace with mixed iodine gas with argon gas. XRF and XRD were used for analyzing the chemical compositions and the phase evolutions of raw ilmenite ore and the reduced samples, respectively. The findings showed that the Perak ilmenite ore predominantly has a greater concentration of TiO2 (71.27wt%), Fe2O3 (18.85wt%), and some other oxides like aluminum oxide and quartz. In addition, XRD revealed that the ilmenite phase was converted into rutile (TiO2) titanium oxide (Ti3O5, Ti2O3), titanium carbide (TiC), and iron (Fe) phases, after the carbothermal reduction process. However, after the carboiodination reaction, the ilmenite and rutile phases remained at temperatures 900°C, 950°C, and 1000°C. The HSC Chemistry software was used in the determination of the thermochemical calculation and the possible reactions during the reaction which play an important role in shortening the reduction process. The results revealed the carboiodination process is a promising process that can reduce energy consumption and shorten the titanium production processes, and it needs more studies.