Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Faedah RPGS tabletop sebagai alat pengajaran dan pembelajaran
    Permainan perwatakan atas meja (TTRPG) ialah permainan yang berpotensi menjadi alat pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berharga. TTRPG ialah permainan naratif berstruktur yang membolehkan sekumpulan pemain terlibat dalam penceritaan kolaboratif untuk membina cerita semasa mereka bermain. Ramai yang terlepas pandang potensinya dalam bidang pendidikan kerana ia merupakan hobi khusus. Disebabkan ini, terdapat kurang penyelidikan TTRPG dalam bidang akademik. Makalah ini akan menerangkan apakah itu TTRPG dan contoh jenis permainan yang terdapat di pasaran. Ia juga akan menggambarkan bagaimana permainan itu boleh memberi manfaat kepada pelajar, apakah kemahiran yang boleh diajar dengan berkesan menggunakan permainan itu, dan cara ia membantu pelajar melibatkan diri dengan bahan pembelajaran. Ini adalah berdasarkan kertas kerja dan artikel dan pengalaman mengajar bilik darjah saya sendiri menggunakan TTRPG, yang telah mendorong saya untuk meneruskannya sebagai topik penyelidikan. Akhir sekali, kertas ini akan memberi cadangan mengenai aktiviti masa depan untuk penyelidikan lanjutan dalam topik TTRPG.
  • Publication
    “Narrative Application in Gameplay”: the enhancement of creative thought of teaching staff at the Centre for International Languages, UniMAP
    This paper discusses the narrative or storytelling aspect of tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs). The primary intention of this paper is to introduce TTRPGs as an effective alternative teaching and learning method that could benefit students in classrooms. The activities implemented could train students to be more creative, think outside the box, and spontaneously generated narrative and infused with characteristics such as – in this case – bravery, comedy, and horror-comedy. The research subjects are 6 teaching staff of the Centre for International Languages, UniMAP. The participants comprise of four English language teachers, one Bahasa Melayu teacher and one Bahasa Melayu lecturer. Each participant has their duties. One is the gamemaster who acts as the general narrator and arbiter of the rules of the game, while the other five are players who play roles within the setting of the game. The TTRPG used in the game sessions was Cubicle 7's The Laundry RPG based on author Charles Stross' series of horror-comedy novels, The Laundry Files. Three sessions were run from November 2018 to March 2019, each taking from 90 minutes to two hours. In helping to develop creative ideas using The Laundry RPG, three episodes of the narrative were derived from the gameplay of the TTRPG, each from one session. First is entitled The New Normal, the second an Unbelievably Wooden Dialogue and the third episode Getting Ahead of Themselves. The Narrative Paradigm theory framework by Walter Fisher (1985) is used in the analysis of the discussion of this paper. The three stories that were derived from the three The Laundry role-playing game activities can be read at this website:
  • Publication
    Figurative Language in Malay to English Translation: An Analysis of the 2015 UniMAP VC's Keynote Speech
    Translating figurative language involves more than just replacing the figurative language with its equivalent in the target language. Therefore, it is not surprising for the translation of figurative language to have its own set of challenges. Problems the translator faces in translating the Malay Figurative Language into English include complexities in understanding, interpreting and recreating the Figurative language that are unique in the Source Language (SL) culture; which have to be explained and described in Target Language (TL) where such practices and customs are non - existent. Secondly, the Source Text (ST) figurative language may appear in a variety of types and have a distinct denotative and connotative meaning and reference; most often, it is difficult to find an equivalent which totally matches the original meaning or concept. This particular paper analyses the translation of figurative language extracted from UniMAP's Vice Chancellor Keynote Speech in 2015. Findings reveal that the three categories of figurative language identified were namely idioms, metaphors and similes. Translation strategies used are either not translated, paraphrased or translated with a similar meaning but in different form.