Rosdisham Endut
Enhancement of non-permutation binomial power functions to construct cryptographically strong S-Boxes
Effects of applied magnetic field on the optical properties and binding energies spherical GaAs quantum dot with donor impurity
Impact of rain attenuation in Borneo using free space optics propagation
Two dimensional (2D) OCDMA encoder-decoder for various industrial application
Development of new spectral amplitude coding OCDMA code by using polarization encoding technique
Non-Relativistic energy spectra of the modified Hylleraas potential and its thermodynamic properties in arbitrary dimensions
Performance analysis of double-MIMO free space optical system under atmospheric turbulence
Performance analysis of coherent source SAC OCDMA in free space optical communication systems
Global quantum information-theoretic measures in the presence of magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm (AB) fields
Prediction model for spectroscopy using python programming