Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Non-Relativistic energy spectra of the modified Hylleraas potential and its thermodynamic properties in arbitrary dimensions
    ( 2022)
    Collins Okon Edet
    Jonathan E. Osang
    Emmanuel Paul Agbo
    ; ;
    Emmanuel B. Ettah
    Reza Khordad
    Akpan Ndem Ikot
    Muhammad Asjad
    n this study, the solutions of the Schrodinger equation (SE) with modified Hylleraas potential in arbitrary dimensions was obtained using the asymptotic iteration method (AIM) to obtain the energy and wave functions, respectively. The energy equation was used to obtain the thermal properties of this system. The effect of the potential parameters and dimensions on the energy spectra and thermal properties was scrutinized thoroughly. It was found that the aforementioned affects the thermal properties and energy spectra, respectively. In addition, we also computed the numerical energy spectra of the MHP for the first time and discussed it in detail. The results of our study can be applied to molecular physics, chemical physics, etc.
  • Publication
    Global quantum information-theoretic measures in the presence of magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm (AB) fields
    ( 2022)
    Collins Okon Edet
    Emmanuel Benjamin Ettah
    ; ; ;
    Akpan Ndem Ikot
    Muhammad Asjad
    The global quantum information-theoretical analysis of the class of Yukawa potential (CYP) in the presence of magnetic and Aharonov–Bohm (AB) fields has been examined both analytically and numerically in this research piece. The energy equation and wave function for the CYP are obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation in the presence of external magnetic and AB fields using the functional analysis technique. The probability density is used to calculate the Tsallis, Rényi, and Onicescu information energy entropies numerically. The influence of the screening parameter (β), magnetic (B→), and AB (ξ) fields on the global information-theoretical measurements for the CYP is explored. Atomic and molecular physics, quantum chemistry, and physics are specific areas where these research findings will find application.