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An investigation of the weighted measurement for charity servicesby using analytical hierarchy process

2018-12 , Nur Izzati Idrus , Wan Norsyafawati W. Muhamad Radzi , Norshahrizan Nordin

A charity service for the community is a pure activity where it is assisted by a handful of people to the more needy people. Community involvement in charity activities aims to provide any financial, time and energy assistance. This charity activity has a strategy of ensuring that welfare aspects are integrated into planning towards achieving holistic socio-economic development and enhancing smart and strategic partnerships through collaboration with all groups of people, non-governmental organizations and international agencies. In fact, these charity activities need to improve the quality of financial planning and management as well as information and communication technology professionally. In Malaysia, there are three (3) primary ethnic group in Malaysia that is Malay, Chinese and Indian with the overall population of 15 million, 6 million and 2 million respectively (Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia,2016).This study is focusing on the positively influence individual’s attitude toward the charities events. Data will be collected and the result will be analyzed and presented via Analytic Hierarchy Process. The analysis that will be used to ensuring consistency when dealing with pair wise comparisons, several researchers have suggested some alternatives. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) begins by asking the evaluator to compare the level of importance between all possible pairof criteria, using a scale with values from 1 to 9. As the result, the Analytical Hierarchy Process, that describes the appropriate criteria of donator for charity services focus on to financial stability, period of operations, and service delivery record, and location has been developed.Moral commitment is the significance of charitable practices, occasions and causes will range amongst people in mild of their issues and commitments